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Video demonstration interface BlackBerry 10 Flow

Announced Flow interface in the operating system BlackBerry 10 is one of its key advantages. It allows you to speed up daily tasks. Inside BlackBerry blog published a humorous video showing how easy to use the new multitasking platform even with one hand.

Captured on video expert BlackBerry 10 Gaduey Jeff (Jeff Gadway), which performs mene than 30 seconds, a series of common tasks on your phone, making use of only one free hand he checks next scheduled event, and with whom it will be conducted, looking as people signed on microblog Dallivella Don (Don Dalliwell), and then all this information gathering and sends via BBM that same Mr. Dallivellu.

 All this is shown in order to show how quickly and easily with the new Blackberry device 10 to perform daily activities. Announcement of smartphones on 30 January next year. Is expected to launch as soon as the decision with the touch screen, and with the company's physical keyboard. Will RIM BB10 ensure return of the lost positions in the market and the possibility of a successful fight against Apple iOS and Google Android - time will tell.