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iPad Mini and New Products From Apple

iPad Mini and New

iPad Mini and New 1

Apple introduced a smaller version of the Tablet PC iPad Mini. The presentation opened Apple CEO Tim Cook. The device was presented six months after the release of the latest tablet of traditional size - iPad 3.
As expected, the size of the screen iPad Mini was 7.9 inches, the tablet thickness - 7.2 mm. This is less than in the last generation iPad 3, which is the screen size of 9.7 inches and a thickness of 13.4 mm.
iPad Mini and New Products From Apple
The new iPad runs on a dual-core processor A5. It is equipped with a camera and software pyatimegapikselnoy videoconferencing FaceTime HD.
The device can operate without recharging for up to 10 hours and allows you to download 275,000 apps from App Store. It supports work in Wi-Fi, mobile data networks, including LTE.
iPad Mini and New Products From Apple 1
The remaining three heroes presentation were computers - the 13-inch MacBook Pro laptop with Retina-screen high-definition video, as well as new models of iMac desktop candy bars and compact desktop Mac Mini.
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Apple Lap top Macbook pro
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Fashion Trends

Each day fashion throws us news. Be aware that it is prepared for the victims at this time - maybe this information will be useful to your nearest shopping.

Menthol Dress

Menthol Dress

Beautiful pastel green color that will not spoil even brunette. In combination with a light tan generally gives a beautiful view.

Cheerful jacke

Cheerful Jacket

Jacket in a cage or strip? Pfff! This is for those who have no imagination. Each mod this season must buy a jacket with a fun pattern. This can be a pattern of flowers, skulls, elephant, soccer balls - you name it!

Pants with prints animali

Pants with Prints Animalic

They came after the designers realized how much most girls spoil leopard leggings. But the jeans with the same print do not shout that their mistress' legs require exercise on a stationary bike. In addition to the leopard, the trend zebra, tiger, snake, crocodile and the whole fauna.

T-strap on shoes

T-strap on Shoes

These models emphasize the perfect shoe ankle and hints of sexuality (but do not shout about it.) Lovely delicate shoes with T-strap fit for office, and for going to the club. Naturally, they are created for sophisticated feminine persons.

Open shoulders

Open Shoulders

Though the winter, and expose you want. The meaning of the trend is that with such a naked fashion scenario, there are only arms - hands still closed. How is this possible? Very simple:

Hand Embroidery / Hemstitch Embroidery / Needlework

Women's Needlework in Russia has never disappeared: at all times Russian beauties woven lace , embroidered with beads and pearls, decorative pillows, and icons. The embroidery used gold and silver thread.
Today, much of the material available to us at the time, some of the techniques of needlework forgotten, but still a lot left and we can begin to fun hobby that will bring a truly original product. For example, openwork embroidery, with which to adorn themselves and stand out from the crowd in the best sense.

Openwork - an old way of embroidery, which was available to every woman. For it is not necessary to have a sewing machine, so this type of embroidery has always been popular in many European countries and in Russia. Hemstitch embroidered napkins, tablecloths, collars, scarves, shirts, male and female, and of course, dresses, skirts, blouses.

To perform the frayed, it takes a lot of time and patience. At first it is necessary to pull the fabric a certain number of threads going in the same direction, and it is necessary to do this accurately and in a row. The fabric in this case is better to use such of which are easily pulled thread. If the structure of tissue contains intricate weave, this fabric is not suitable for frayed.
The best fabrics are linen, batiste, linen with lavsan, silk and others like them, and of course, smooth, containing no print. Threads must also be matched to the density of the fabric. They are not only reel thread (cotton), but the floss in a few threads, linen and thread that you pulled out of the fabric. Color threads that will embroider, you can pick one that will effectively transfer pattern frayed, but better to do it's color.

 Wash items with frayed better in a special bag (if in the car), but be careful to wash your hands. Such areas with iron openwork better through the fabric, as if crushing iron, do not try to drive back and forth - you can deform the embroidery.
The frayed edges of sleeves can be finished, the bottom dress, top, in fact anything you want, depending on what style of your clothes. You turn the frayed clothes lace fantasy.


Chinese Silk Embroidery

Silk embroidery on silk same fabric - the pearl of oriental art. According to written sources, this type of applied art was born in the era of the Three Kingdoms (Ancient China, more than two thousand years ago). Emperor Wu kingdom (present territory of the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River) SunTsyuan ordered the sister of his chief minister embroider "Map of Kings." Mountains, rivers, cities and buildings were painted in minute detail on a square canvas silk fabric.

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